Daniel Chapter 2 -- Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Statue

By john

Sorry that I took so long to get this post up.  However, as promised, here is a PDF of the notes I have taken on Daniel Chapter 2.  Those notes have been accumulating over several years.  I'm sharing them now because I've started working through the dreams and visions of the book of Daniel, seeking a deeper understanding of what the Lord showed him and what still remains to be fulfilled in our day.  Just a few minutes ago, before I started writing this post, I read through the PDF one more time.  I wanted to refresh my mind on their content before I started wri


Spiritual Warfare 101: A Foundation on which to Build

By john

I know a young couple who, a few years ago, lived in a housing co-op, full of duplexes, that was located in a rather pleasant spot on the edge of a mid-sized town.  They have since moved on, but they shared with us how, before they moved, there was a changeover taking place amongst the other residents of the co-op.  A number of new families had moved in and these new residents seemed to be quite unfriendly, even hostile, towards them.  Their children, in similar fashion, treated this couple’s seven-year-old badly out on the playground.  Besides being unfriendly, most of

About Prophetic Dreams

By john

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am trying to finish up a blog called A Primer on Spiritual Warfare that I wrote a few years ago.  In order to do that I need to share two dreams that punctuated both the beginning and end of the church plant in Butte, but before I can do that it’s necessary that I explain a few things about prophetic dreams.  All this prophetic stuff is weird anyway, and now I’m adding dreams to my list of weirdnesses?  Yes, it is strange, but it is real.  I alread