By john

In my last post I challenged you to consider the question, how badly do you want God?  One cannot answer that question quickly so keep pondering on it for a while.  Sometimes I wonder if it might take a lifetime to find the real answer.  Here are some other topics I want to cover before we finish this series.  I have already mentioned the concept of praying in the spirit along with a promise to cover that topic.  The concept of praying in the spirit is very connected with the idea contained in Paul’s command to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17).  Look that reference up, check out any cross-references your study Bible may provide for you, and ponder the concept some.  We’ll be talking about it soon.  Paul also made a strong connection between praying in the spirit and using the gift of tongues.  Read through 1 Corinthians 14 and see what the Holy Spirit speaks to you.  Reading my book, The Gift of Tongues, may shed some light on the topic as well.  We also need to discuss the idea of keeping our eyes on unseen things (spiritual matters), rather than on those things that are temporal and based in this lifetime.   That concept is consistently emphasized throughout the New Testament.  Related to the above upcoming discussions is the idea that God wants everything we do in our walk in this life to originate in the Spirit/spirit.  There is also the fact that if we truly want to go deeper with God, we will find ourselves deep in spiritual warfare.  Satan, the enemy of our souls, does not want us to go deep into God and will fight tooth and nail to stop or distract us from that goal.  Yet, when we enter into God’s presence and worship flows from our hearts, the enemy’s efforts will fail.

I’m guessing that as we continue to discuss going deep with God, we will find even more to discuss.  For my part, the spiritual warfare surrounding these posts has been heavy and that is why I have sometimes been delayed in getting my weekly posts out.  So, please, include me and my family in your prayers.  One challenge for me is to separate the topics (in italics above) from each other so that we can talk about them.  They are so connected and intertwined that it is sometimes difficult to talk about one item without also covering the others, thus making the posts extra long.  I’ll do my best.  Thanks for being patient.

Also, please weigh in with your thoughts and comments.  We use Disqus to manage our comment section and keep the bots/spam out, so log in and share your thoughts.

God bless!
