About Prophetic Dreams

By john

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am trying to finish up a blog called A Primer on Spiritual Warfare that I wrote a few years ago.  In order to do that I need to share two dreams that punctuated both the beginning and end of the church plant in Butte, but before I can do that it’s necessary that I explain a few things about prophetic dreams.  All this prophetic stuff is weird anyway, and now I’m adding dreams to my list of weirdnesses?  Yes, it is strange, but it is real.  I alread

It's Always Awkward!

By john

Old painting of man writing at a desk.   It was an intensely interesting conversation.  Two young people sat at the table with Ruth and me, our pastor and a couple of other people, discussing the books they were writing.  Both were involved in Christian ministry.  It was fun to join into the conversation with them since I had already published a book (albeit a nonfiction book rather than their fiction storie


By john

On the first Sunday of October 2011 Ruth and I held the last service of Living Water Fellowship Church.  I preached to an empty room (except for Ruth) that morning.  During the four preceding years we had been attempting to plant Living Water Fellowship Church in Butte, Montana and, fully expecting that God was going to gather to us chosen people who would help make it work, I had written a blog dealing with the subject of Spiritual Warfare as a primer for people who were coming on board.  There is a lot of good insight contained in that blog and I intend to leave it up

Stray Kitty Update

By john

Well, our stray kitty keeps teaching me lessons. Our primary goal with this cat is simply to show it some kindness and make its life easier. We've been quite successful at that. He's put on weight, his fur is sleek and shiny and he is much calmer. Clearly he feels secure living in our yard. (I still haven't discovered where he sleeps!) The first lesson Cat taught me was that when we are dealing with "stray" people we are foolish indeed if we set our goals any higher than our goals with this cat.

Joseph The Victim – Part 1

By john

Joseph had been victimized, sold into slavery...and God did phenomenal things in and with his life. He learned that it’s wasn't about him, that God wasn’t surprised by what happened and that He had a plan. Part 1 will get you started on understanding the message of Joseph's life, but there is more that rarely gets preached about. Be sure to come back for Part 2.


Not by the Hand of Man

By john

A few days ago I read a newspaper article that claimed ISIS – the terrorist group that has been murdering people in the Middle East – has a full complement of terrorists in place in the United States, all ready to kill, murder and destroy in the name of Islam. That certainly is an alarming statement! It is also an easy one to believe when you consider how our government has failed to protect our borders from these monstrous people. Yet, immediately on reading that statement, my mind went to the story of when King David decided to take a census of the fighting men in Israel.