Chapter 1 -- In Him We Live and Breathe and Have Our Being

By john

Chapter One lays a foundation for understanding how the prophetic nature works.  The author develops a paradigm (a model) that we can use to understand how, for all Christians -- especially the prophetically oriented -- spiritual things and life in the spirit reign supreme.  He shows us how we are seated in the heavenlies with Christ and that it is from this place, seated by Jesus' side, that Christian life originates.

Here's the review that will go on the book's back cover

By john

Prophets seem to be popping up everywhere!  This is to be expected, since as we near the time of Jesus’ second coming, He is restoring to the church ministries that seemed to disappear only a few short centuries after the church began.  In recent years this restoration has been especially true of the office of the prophet.  Do you know people who seem to be gifted in the prophetic ministry?  What makes them tick?  Why do they sometimes misbehave in the church?  Especially concerning, is that they sometimes conflict with pastors!  Somehow, two ministries th


Getting closer!

By john

We're getting closer!  I submitted the final manuscript files to the publisher this morning.  Over the next two weeks they will review the files, perform a basic copy edit (punctuation, grammar & such) and then let me know if everything is still in good shape.  They will also create the front & back cover.  Once everything is in good shape, it will go to the printer.  This is getting exciting!   :>)
