Going Deep with God #4: Upcoming Discussions

By john

In my last post I challenged you to consider the question, how badly do you want God?  One cannot answer that question quickly so keep pondering on it for a while.  Sometimes I wonder if it might take a lifetime to find the real answer.  Here are some other topics I want to cover before we finish this series.  I have already mentioned the concept of praying in the spirit along with a promise to cover that topic.  The concept of praying in the spirit is very connected with the idea contained in Paul’s command to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17).  L


Going Deep with God #1

By john

Every Christian, every person who has chosen to follow Christ and call himself or herself by His name, comes, in the course of life, to times that demand that they go deep into God.  For instance, a time of deep, unmet material needs can force us to seek Him.  Perhaps a battle with sickness, either in one's own body or in someone close and important to us, can become an imperative that forces us to go deep into our relationship with the Lord as we seek resolution.  Then there are times when we find ourselves attacked by our enemy the devil.  When we are under spiritual a



By john

Author's Note:  We moved to Butte, Montana in 2007 with the dual purpose of caring for Ruth's elderly mother, and planting a church.  That church plant was eventually unsuccessful, but through that process, the light still managed to shine and dispel the darkness of that city.  When we first started taking concrete steps towards establishing the church, we expected that God would be bringing others to us who would grasp the vision and join us in the work.  Butte is/was very dark, in a spiritual sense, and I knew that anyone joining us would need help as

What Do We Do Now?

By john

I found it deeply disheartening last January when Joe Biden took office and moved into the White House.  America has fallen, once again, to the rule of those opposed to Christ, to those opposed to all that is good.  Most serious Christians are deeply disappointed in the outcome of the elections and in the man who now sits in the White House.  Since then it has been especially difficult to watch the President and the Democrats in Congress systematically destroy freedom in America, establish unrighteous laws and policies, and squander our taxes.  They seem to be especially


By john

Author's Note:  My mother passed away several years ago, but I still have, mixed in with other papers, stories, and other writings penned by her.  She actually did quite a lot of writing and was sometimes published in a few, small magazines.  Always her words are insightful.  I ran across this piece a few days ago and thought I'd share it here.  The original is typewritten (Mother did most of her writing before computers were prevalent) so I scanned it and ran it through an OCR engine.  Surprisingly, the OCR scan required very little correcting and what you see below is mostly just as she typed it.  Enjoy the read.


by Roselee Reagan

Once upon a time there was an unhappy sheep. Life had not been good to this sheep. The farmer who owned her always beat her. The other sheep were always kicking Unhappy away. Sometimes......

How to Study the Bible #16: Last Words

By john

I suppose that when most people pull up an article titled How to Study the Bible, they are expecting instruction on lots of methods and techniques.  This series wasn’t like that.  To be sure, I did suggest that my readers try out a few methods like just reading it without worrying about how deep you are going with your understanding.  The understanding will come, but sometimes quantity is better than quality.  I also suggested repeatedly speed-reading a chosen section, thus giving the Holy Spirit a chance, through repetition, to open up the truths contained in His word.&
