Going Deep with God #1

By john

Every Christian, every person who has chosen to follow Christ and call himself or herself by His name, comes, in the course of life, to times that demand that they go deep into God.  For instance, a time of deep, unmet material needs can force us to seek Him.  Perhaps a battle with sickness, either in one's own body or in someone close and important to us, can become an imperative that forces us to go deep into our relationship with the Lord as we seek resolution.  Then there are times when we find ourselves attacked by our enemy the devil.  When we are under spiritual a



By john

Author's Note:  My mother passed away several years ago, but I still have, mixed in with other papers, stories, and other writings penned by her.  She actually did quite a lot of writing and was sometimes published in a few, small magazines.  Always her words are insightful.  I ran across this piece a few days ago and thought I'd share it here.  The original is typewritten (Mother did most of her writing before computers were prevalent) so I scanned it and ran it through an OCR engine.  Surprisingly, the OCR scan required very little correcting and what you see below is mostly just as she typed it.  Enjoy the read.


by Roselee Reagan

Once upon a time there was an unhappy sheep. Life had not been good to this sheep. The farmer who owned her always beat her. The other sheep were always kicking Unhappy away. Sometimes......

My new book is out! Finally!

By john

Well, it's finally out there!  I finished my new book last Fall, but it's taken this long to get the publishing finished.  It's published with two distributors:  Ingram Spark (IS) (to take advantage of their massive, worldwide distribution system) and now, finally, Amazon.com.  Getting it listed with IS was relatively easy, although, since it was my first time trying out this indie publishing thing, it did take me a while to work through.  They have a good system, though.  It went well and both the e-book and print versions hav


To Ken

By john

If you have ever read literature written by someone from Scotland you have likely run across a word we don't use much over here in America.  That word is "ken".  To define it in American English one would say it means (in its verb form) "to understand".  Unfortunately, that definition only gets to part of the meaning of "ken".  When we think of understanding something – say a scientific research problem or maybe just why a friend is behaving the way he is behaving – we think in terms of taking our accumulated knowledge (a whole lot of facts and observations) and analyzin
