I have thought, on occasion, that it might be fun to write a fiction book. I haven't made the attempt because I strongly doubt my skill at developing characters and describing settings. I'm not at all sure I could adequately weave a good plot line. Still, doubts notwithstanding, I may try my hand at a novel someday. However, regardless of whether I write fiction or nonfiction, my overarching goals are that God be glorified and that my readers find themselves walking closer to Him through the things that I write.
I suspect that newly-minted author Geno Allen shares those goals with me. I say this, because his new book Through the Dark Wood (Treasures of Darkness – Treasures of Light) strongly gives glory to God and anyone reading it will find their faith strengthened and their walk with God enhanced.
The story begins when Zam, a young shepherd boy, receives a message through supernatural means. This message includes specific instructions from a person called Elyon. Zam has never heard of Elyon, but chooses to follow his lead and the story unfolds as Zam begins his travels. Zam, a friendless young man without any family, by following this Elyon's instructions finds both deep friendships and family bonds. He learns the skills of a warrior, battles dragons and other dark beasts, rescues maidens, befriends a stone monster, and learns that Elyon always seems to come through no matter how hopeless the crisis may seem. In other words, Zam learns to walk in faith.
When I finished this very enjoyable fantasy-fiction read, I found my own faith strengthened and my trust in God confirmed. I strongly recommend this book. If you choose to read it, this phrase will become your mantra as it has mine:
"Elyon will decide!"
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